About VCD Group

We value life experience offered by space, and use passion and innovation to design and deliver stories in the space.
We are committed to creating a wonderful and beautiful life experience, an experience at home, during travel, or in a restaurant. We are passionate about understanding meaning behind, the exact needs of people, and the essence of unique experience to each person.
VCD Group wants to be a design and management company that makes impact. We continue to take challenges, and have expanded our influence from Taiwan to Shanghai, California, New Zealand, and Japan. We strive to make sure people can purely enjoy the nature of a space and life. With more than 10 years of design and management experience, we combine both design creativity and managerial thinking to provide comprehensive and unique perspective and strategy in the fields of architectural design, hotel operation management, and real estate investment consulting services.

Architecture, Interior Design and Hotel Management

For homeowners, we are architecture and interior design team. Each space has an unique story, and each person has a distinctive lifestyle. We are very fortunate to learn about you, respect your every thought, listen to your expectations, and design your living space together. We think about design comprehensively, give suggestions on innovative viewpoints, and are committed to presenting the essence of space and preserving the essence and meaning of every element in life. We make sure you live with environment in harmony, help shaping a unique living experience, and create a distinctive space and story that belongs to you only.

For travelers and property owners, we are a hotel management team.
An apartment is not fulfilling its value no value if left vacant, and we help you making best use of the vacant space by providing professional investment suggestions and financial analysis. Moreover, we take care all the hassles so that you can share your home with the world with financial benefits and problem free.

We pay detailed attention to guests’ experience and offer warm and friendly reception services so that they can quickly and freely enjoy local lifestyle and always feel like home. Our greeting has been highly praised by travelers from around the world.

The Core Value of VCD Group

We act and think with our core values, and they are creativity, passion, and excellence. We believe that they bring financial stability and sustainable corporate growth, and make sure we build a legacy that meets our calling.

History of VCD Group

• Founded VCD Group in 2019 by integrating our architecture & interior design team and hotel management team
• Launched VCD Hospitality, offering vacation rental and hotel management and investment services.
• Founded VCDesign Company, offering interior and architecture design services.

Awards and Recognitions

• 2020年上海明苑別墅 獲刊載於 素影設計視角公眾號
• 2019年第二屆設計星講堂-十佳思想會 獲邀演講
• 2019年上海西郊樹中屋 獲刊載於 舶乐汇ONBOX公眾號
• 2019年上海西郊樹中屋 2019中國室內年鑑 入選
• 2018年上海西郊樹中屋 獲刊載於 素影設計視角公眾號
• 2018年上海西郊樹中屋 中國優秀中生代室內設計師(住宅空間)十佳 入圍作品
• 2015年新店公寓 獲刊載於Living雜誌2015年精選空間
• 2014年新店公寓 獲刊載於IW傢飾雜誌No.96期刊

Contact Us

No matter how you like to reimagine your space,  we love to hear your aspirations and needs!
Write us a message and a new life experience will come.

Get In Touch